Experience in Lean manufacturing


More than 1,000 engagements at over 150 sites around the world in the last 15 years.

Lean Office/Service
for efficient processes

Improve the performance of your administrative or service processes (service quality and customer experience, efficiency, lead times  ...).

Lean training : the best practices


Our programs are certified training programs and we are an accredited training provider...

Lean Manufacturing

Experience of more than 1,000 engagements at over 150 sites around the world in the last 15 years at your disposal.


Our consultants are true experts in their field having themselves been trained working alongside Toyota or firms having implemented the Toyota Production System. They all have more than 15 years experience in the implementation of operational improvement for a total of over 120 years of combined experience.
We can help you improve your SQCDP performance indicators (Safety, Quality, Cost, Delivery, People) by between 20 and 50%. These performance indicators may cover subject such as stock or surface reduction, investment optimization, reducing material loss, process stability, productivity (direct/indirect labour, machine, workplace, ...) ...

LeanPerf consultants have experience of all industrial sectors (all output volumes: mass or prototype and lines of business)

  • Automotive (process and assembly) manufacturers and sub-suppliers
  • Aerospace and Defense manufacturers and sub-suppliers
  • Agri-food industry (process and packaging)
  • Metal industry: Melt shop, Hot rolling mill, Finishing, Wire-drawing (process), refractory material manufacturing
  • Chemical products (process)
  • Food packaging industry (Aluminium film and cans) (process)
  • Packaging industry (blow molding and IBC)
  • TV tube manufacturing (process and assembly)
  • Job shop machining (tooling, tractors, automotive competitions)
  • Low volume assembly
  • Macingin and assembly job shops
  • Plastic injection molding 
  • Perfumes and cosmetics (Leather goods, lipstick, perfumes, creams, nail varnish, body care)
  • Electrical cabinets
  • Rail industry
  • Pharmaceutical and medical industry (pacemakers, ...)
  • Optical industry
  • Flooring
  • ...





We fit our approach to your needs


Some examples


Diapositive29      Diapositive27

For more details, see Lean Implementation.


    Read one of our recent releases on "Xonitek.com" about Lean Management practices to succeed in a Lean transformation.



  • Latest Newsletter


    Read our Newsletter devoted to "8D : a powerful quality problem solving tool".  You will find an in-depth article detailing key factors for a successful 8D.


  • Next Training Programs (FR)

    Next LeanPerf Academy training programs:

    • Lean Office / Lean Service (11/12-14/2014)

    See full program details and dates.


Do you need support from one of our Lean experts ?
